Rabu, 05 Desember 2012

Extra battery problem

Best Review on Products Helicopter helicopter pioneering built

Products Helicopter helicopter pioneering built

I did not buy mine on Amazon, but bought a used unit from ebay which I know is risky (you never know how it was treated before), but I lucked out because it came with 2 helicopters, both functioned very well. Like many others here I upgraded from a Syma S107G or other 3 channel helicopter. I am still getting used to controlling this helicopter as the left/right on my Syma's right stick rotated the helicopter as opposed to strafing on the V911. The rotation for the V911 is on the left stick but since that also controls the throttle, it is tougher to maintain altitude while rotating the helicopter. I found that I had to hold the left stick with my forefinger and thumb as opposed to the S107G where I just tapped the throttle up or down (I did the throttle spring mod).

In terms of hovering, I think it is about the same as my Syma S107G. You will not be able to get a perfectly still hover. If you trim it properly you will still get very slow creep one direction or another (front, back, sideways).

My S107G had TBE, toilet bowl effect, mostly when I stopped maneuvering and came to a hover. The way I cancelled it was to just do a quick forward flick which took care of the TBE. The V911 still uses a weighted flybar, so after a maneuver, when you go to a hover, TBE may show itself very briefly.

Now where the V911 truly differs compared to the S107G is it's speed and responsiveness. It is very fast in all directions. It really begs to be flown outside (not to say you can't fly indoors, you just have to exercise restraint and be more careful) as long as it is not too windy, but it can handle some wind. The S107G just pretty much goes where the very little breeze blows it. Also, the V911 has a "turbo" mode which does very well if it starts having problems going against the wind. I have never had as much fun with an RC toy as I do with the V911 (granted I've never had anything too expensive with $50 being the max I've spent on an RC toy). The way you can charge 2 batteries at once is also a great plus. I have 3 batteries (brand new V911's come with 2 batteries) and I typically fly 5 minutes per charge, which gives me a 15 minute flight time.

2 things I do wish the V911 had: an external LED so it would easier to fly at night, and an on/off switch on the helicopter itself.

If you get this helicopter, make sure you zero out the trims on the remote each time before you put the battery in the helicopter. Also mechanically trim the helicopter first which you don't have to do that often. To do that, you basically hover your helicopter as best as you can, then you trim out the rotation/yaw using the buttons on the remote. Next, see if you are drifting forward or backward. If it is forward, then land the helicopter, remove the top part of the linkage that controls the forward/backward motion and twist it so that it gets longer (counter-clock-wise), then snap the linkage back in. Depending on how much it is drifting forward or back, will determine how much to shorten or elongate the linkage. If you can totally notice it going forward, then try twisting the linkage 5-6 times. As you get closer to zero forward or reverse movement, try one twist. You do the same with the side to side movement. If the helicopter is drifting to the right, then shorten the linkage that controls the side to side movement. The very small amount of "left-over" drift can be taken care of with the remote. By the way, I learned this mechanical trim from [...]

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