Most Popular on Blade BLH4580 300 X BNF
This Heli is a well designed and engineered marvel. It comes with the AR7200 BeastX receiver that you find on the 400x, 500x and newest 550x helis. Instead of a flybar the balancing and tail heading hold is software controlled with elevation, aileron and rudder gyros on the beastx board creating a super-stable flight unmatched by any other heli line. The 300x is incredibly stable in flight even with fairly strong wind and wind gusts because the beastx counters outside forces and constantly stabilizes the swash plate and tail allowing a level of comfort never felt before. 3d moves are easier to achieve and in the event of a crash the design is much simpler than that of a flybarred heli due to fewer parts and easier setup. I knew after the maiden flight that I picked the right heli. She was definitely easier to fly then my flybarred 450 (although I love my 450!) and I am not hesitant to put her up in fairly strong wind. I would recommend this heli to anyone that has some experience with collective pitch.. because although she is stable as all what not, inexperienced cp pilots would be better off with a smaller cp heli that's easier and cheaper to repair because like everyone else you will crash from time to time it's just the nature of the hobby!
Get your Blade BLH4580 300 X BNF Now!
I'm about 3 months out of gyro heli's. This is by far the best little bird I have flown , it is super stable. I have noticed some blade shutter when dropping power for altitude loss, then reapplying power. Not sure if this is because of the woooden blades. A set of cf blades are on the way and we shall see if that corrects the issue, after installing and running the motor up to 100 % , off the recomended 75 with the wooden blades. It's big enough my not to perfect eyesight can get it out aways and still keep orientation !!